SJD Speaker Series

The Syracuse University College of Law’s Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) in Law is a research doctorate, comparable to a Ph.D. in other disciplines. Beginning this month, each SJD student will give a presentation on research related to their dissertations.

The presentations will be open to the SU community and will take place in Room 434 and on Zoom from 1-2:15 and on Zoom.

February 8: Jawad Salman

February 15: Ricardo Jose Macedo De Britto Pereira

February 22: Yohannes Takele Zewale

March 1: Renci (Mercy) Xie

March 29: Ricardo Jose Macedo De Britto

April 5: Renci (Mercy) Xie

April 12: Jawad Salman

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

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