US Court of Appeals Internship (2nd Circuit)

The Civil Appeals Mediation Program (“CAMP”) for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals seeks a legal intern for the Summer of 2022.

The intern will work closely with the circuit mediators in preparing for and attending mediations. Duties may include: reviewing and analyzing cases; conducting legal research; writing mediation memoranda; assisting with statistical analysis; and communicating with appellate counsel. Additionally, interns will have the opportunity to attend oral arguments and observe the workings of the Second Circuit.

The intern will work June – August 2022.

Deadline: Friday, April 22nd

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

Please visit:, or the link in our bio for all postings

Guest Lecture – The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom

Professor Sahar Aziz
Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar
Rutgers Law School

Wednesday, March 9
4:30 – 6 PM
Hendricks Chapel

ASL and CART will be provided.

This presentation is co-sponsored by: Syracuse University Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and The Social Differences, Social Justice Cluster

Disability Law Society Presents a Panel Discussion on Disability Policy Initiatives

THE HON. TONY COELHO Founder of the Coelho Center for Disability Law, Policy, and Innovation, Primary Author and Sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Former Congressman

DANIEL VAN SANT J.D.,M.S. ED. Director of Disability Policy at the Harkin Institute, Syracuse Law and School of Education ’16

Moderated by Matthew Yanez J.D./M.P.A. Candidate
Syracuse University, Class of 2023 Maxwell School of Citizenship, College of Law

March 4th, 2022 from 3-4 pm EST on Zoom

Please Register by Following the Link Below


Free Bar Prep!

Check your email for the survey.

The College of Law is providing Helix Bar Review free of charge to all members of the Class of 2022.

Those sitting in a non-UBE Jurisdiction will receive Kaplan Bar Review at no charge.

For more information, email

Journal Week

The Office of Career Services, Arnold & Porter, and the Syracuse Law Review are hosting an informative luncheon to discuss the benefits of joining a journal.

Students are invited to attend and learn about the journal application process and the benefits of Law Review in your future legal review.

Lunch from Chipotle will be provided to attendees.

Thursday, February 24th

Noon ET

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

Please visit:, or the link in our bio for all postings

FINRA – Vacant Positions

FINRA is an independent, non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business with the public in the United States. FINRA works to protect investors and maintain market integrity in a public-private partnership with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), while also benefiting from the SEC’s oversight.

FINRA is now accepting applications for four positions:

FINRA Legal Extern: Enforcement (16 Locations)

FINRA Legal Extern: Enforcement (New York, NY)

FINRA Legal Extern: Member Supervision (Any Location)

FINRA Legal Extern: Enforcement (16 Locations)

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

Please visit:, or the link in our bio for all postings

Defense Intelligence Agency Internship

Legal interns at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), will gain experience working for an organization that provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers, and force planners in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. The DIA plans, manages, and executes intelligence operations during peacetime, crisis, and war.

DIA attorneys support counterintelligence, intelligence oversight, information technology, science and technology, security and law enforcement, human intelligence operations and clandestine operations, employment litigation, fiscal law, and government acquisition and contracting.

This is a 10-12 week appointment.

Deadline: Monday, February 28th

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

Please visit:, or the link in our bio for all postings

Criminal Division Law Clerk (Bergen County, NJ)

There is an immediate opening for a law clerk with the Honorable Frances A. McGrogan of the Criminal Division judges in Bergen County, NJ, to finish the current 2021-2022 term through August.

Interested recent graduates should send their application materials (resume, cover letter, transcripts, writing sample) to Lynda Villareal ( and CC Judge Frances McGrogan ( and Melodia Juillet (

Deadline: Tuesday, May 31st

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

Please visit:, or the link in our bio for all postings

NYC Department of City Planning: Internship

The NYC Department of City Planning’s Office of the Counsel is seeking a Summer 2022 intern in support of its role in providing legal advice and services to the City Planning Commission and DCP staff on all relevant matters, including land use and zoning law, zoning text development and interpretation, and more.

Interns will undertake special research projects related to zoning and land use, attend internal and public City Planning Commission meetings on behalf of Counsel’s Office, and generally assist with other Counsel work.

Deadline: Friday, February 18th

To Apply: See Symplicity for more information

Please visit:, or the link in our bio for all postings